Mystic Cultira
Aamon: One of three demons serving Satachia, also known as Mammon. Its name means wealth, leading to greed. Is said to be regent of England.
Abaddon: (The Destroyer) in the book of Revelations, is the star or angel of bottomless pit that Satan chained for a thousand years. He was the angel mentioned by Moses to send the terrible rains that devastated Egypt. In many apocryphal books, Abaddon is considered a demonic entity, such as Angel of Death, as a demon of the abyss.
One of the princes who governed Egypt from hell, who fought against Moses and Pharaoh's heart hardened against this. According to the Testament of Solomon, was the son of Beelzebub.
Abigor: Demon Superior, Duke of the underworld, beautiful spear of a knight bearing banner or scepter and rides on a winged monster. Manda 60 infernal legions. Meet the future, the secrets of the war and the art of love done by their soldiers.
Adramelech:President of the high council of devils, mayor of Satan's wardrobe.
Agalariept:Major General of Hell, commander of the second legion, has the power to discover all the secrets.
Agares: Grand Duke of the eastern regions of Hell. Commands 31 legions.
Agramainio:The great spirit of evil
Agramon: Demon of fear.
Ahharu: In Assyrian Demonology is evil vampires.
Aini: Mighty Duke who is hell of a beautiful man with three heads, as the first snake, the second man, with two stars on the forehead, and the third head as a cat. Make a snake and a load flaming poker with the resulting destruction. Generally gives the true answer, as to matters of importance.
Alastor:Genius for former felon. Severe daemon, which embodies the nemesis and happiness.
Alocer: Grand Duke of the underworld, represented gentleman with horned head of leon. Manda 36 legions. Horse with its legs dragon is huge. It teaches the secrets of heaven and the liberal arts.
Alouqua:A female demon, who is also a vampire and a súcubo, which tires the men and leads to suicide.
Amducias: Gran Duque infernal. Manda 29 legions. Have unicorn head, but in human form appears and gives concerts invisible. Trees bow to his voice.
Amón: Also known as Aamón is Marques of Hell. Manda 40 legions. Vomiting flames wolf head, tail of serpent. Sometimes it appears with owl head or body. Meet the past and the future.
Angeles y al Coro de los Poderes.This organization teaches the secrets of astrology and art and revealed to Solomon, who will return to its glory in the sky, within 1200 years.
Andras: Marquis of hell. Manda 30 legions. Owl head, naked body of the winged angel, riding on a black wolf and a soft sword.
Araziel: One of the angels, who said relations prohibited daughters of men.
Arioch: Demon of vengeance, than Alastor. Only vengeful when he was hired to do.
Asderel: One of the fallen angels who taught human beings, the mystery of the Moon
Astaroth: Astaroth is the name given to a man by the incarnation of a powerful medieval Satan-God, named Astoreth. Archduke of western hell. Represented as a crowned angel, holding a naked puny snake in his left hand and riding on the back of a dragon. Infernal treasurer, sees the past, present and future; detects secret desires and gives protection to large.
Ayperos: Prince of hell, commands 36 legions. Is represented as a vulture or an eagle.
Azazel: One of the heads of the two hundred fallen angels, as the first book of Enoch. In the book, the Apocalypse of Abraham, Azazel is described as a terrible demon with 7 serpent heads, fourteen and twelve-sided wings. Before his fall, a member of the choir of angels.
Baal: Grand Duke of Hell. Queen in the east, commanded 66 legions
Baalberith: Demon of the Second Order. Chief Secretary and an activist of hell. He was ranked among the most powerful princes of hell.
Baalzephon:Captain of the guard and sentinels of Hell.
Bäel: Satan quoted in Major Grimorio, and head of the infernal powers.
Balban:Satan's deception.
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